Brexit přinesl potíže, některým sektorům ale i velké příležitosti


April 6, 2023

Silvia Bušniaková, Managing Director of the BCC, was interviewed by the weekly business magazine Ekonom. She spoke about the obstacles and opportunities Brexit brought to the table, how the British Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic has changed throughout the years, and how the citizens of both countries perceive each other.

Czech support for British investment projects


January 10, 2023

Pavel Fara, Deputy Director of the BCC, was interviewed by the Positiv Business & Style magazine as a part of a series dedicated to business with Great Britain. He spoke about BCC’s anchor programmes, mentioned that any company regardless of its location or specialization can become a member of the Chamber, and emphasized that besides connecting businesses with each other, spreading the core British values is key.


Pre-Election Discussion Growing the Czech Place in the Global Economy

September 22, 2021

Today the BCC hosted in co-operation with the American Chamber of Commerce, Aspen Institute, and HST Chamber of Commerce Switzerland – Czech Republic the pre-election discussion with Karel Havlíček (ANO), Tomáš Zdechovský (Spolu), and Lukáš Wagenknecht (Piráti/STAN). You can watch the video recording here.

Adoptovat sochu na střeše. Byznys a filharmonici plánují zpřístupnit střechu Rudolfina i bez pomoci státu


August 8, 2021

Guy Barker, BCC chairman and principal of Arcona Capital, sponsors the Czech Philharmonic. Guy has set himself the goal of transforming the roof of the Rudolfinum, where the Philharmonic is located, into an attractive place for visitors, and for this project, he is looking for partners who would adopt a statue on the roof of this historic building in Prague.

BCC Car Rally 2021


August 1, 2021

On the 28th and 29th May 2021 the BCC organised the first Car Rally at Klášter Želiv. An article about this event was published in the August issue of the magazine. See more

With USD 15 billion, the British VC investment market is the third largest in the world. Do you want to be a part of it?


May 25, 2021

The BCC and CzechInvest organised a Business Shaker workshop with Petr Soukeník of the startup Whalebone. Whalebone company was established in 2018 and also get involved in the Ment2Grow programme of the BCC.


Co se změnilo čtvrt roku od brexitu? 

April 11, 2021

“In the last six months, I would say that about twenty percent of the cases we encounter are in some way concerned with Brexit-related issues.” says Filip Franek, Head of DIT Europe Trade Hub.

Zelenější ekonomika poroste rychleji, říká britský vyslanec pro klimatický summit OSN


March 23, 2021

Interview with John Murton, diplomat representing the UK at COP26. John Murton was a keynote speaker at the Green Growth Online Conference organised by the British Chamber of Commerce in March 2021.


Zavřený M&S? Brexit s covidem, britské potraviny ale z Česka nezmizí, říká Černochová

January 15, 2021

New obstacles have emerged for British and Czech companies. However, Brexit must also be seen positively as a new opportunity, says Marcela Černochová, director of the British Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic.


Brexit může být novou příležitostí pro české firmy

January 5, 2021

Marcela Černochová, BCC Managing Director, was the guest of TV broadcast Byznys 24. In the interview, she talks about the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement and new business opportunities. Time 3:03


CEE Environmental Health & Safety Conference 2019

January 29, 2019

Article based on the conference hosted by the BCC


Brexit – nejistá sezona s otevřeným koncem

January 24, 2019

Managing Director of the BCC, Marcela Černochová


Královská svatba ŽIVĚ

May 19, 2018

TV record of the Royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
First part time 56:00 and 1:36:00. Second part time 15:15.


České firmy už mají dost nejistoty s brexitem. Buďte aktivnější, žádají diplomaty

March 14, 2018

Article based on the round table Brexit Perspectives hosted by BCC on February 28.


Babylon with Eva Usai Blumental

March 3, 2018

Documentary programme with the BCC Board member Eva Usai Blumental.


Předvolební debata s lídry politických stran

September 12, 2017

TV record of the Pre-election Debate, which took place in the Lucerna Cinema. The debate was organised by the American Chamber of Commerce, British Chamber of Commerce, Chambre de commerce franco-tcheque and Nordic Chamber of Commerce.


O dopadech brexitu diskutovali podnikatelé, celníci i daňoví poradci

June 2, 2017

Article based on the Breakfast Briefing: Czech-British business after Brexit


Podle podnikatelů se z Británie stane takzvaná třetí země

May 31, 2017

Article based on the Breakfast Briefing: Czech-British business after Brexit


Rozvod musí být přátelský, nebo proděláme všichni. Tvrdá jednání o podmínkách Brexitu začínají

April 6, 2017

Managing Director of the BCC, Marcela Černochová, participated in a debate of Aktuálně.cz


Británie odchází z Evropské unie

February 9, 2017

Managing Director of the BCC, Marcela Černochová, participated in the TV debate 90′ ČT24


Soud poslal brexit do parlamentu. Jak moc zbrzdí rozchod Británie a EU?

January 24, 2017

Managing Director of the BCC, Marcela Černochová, comments on Brexit


České firmy začínají počítat dopady brexitu. Zdraží zboží a zkomplikuje to i samotné podnikání v Británii

January 19, 2017

Managing Director of the BCC, Marcela Černochová, comments on Brexit


Aktivistka: Saúdové nepracují a země vyváží nebezpečnou ideologii

December 26, 2016

Manal Al-Sharif was the key speaker at Equilibrium Alumni Conference. Read about her life story in Hospodářské noviny.


České ani britské firmy zatím netuší, jak vzájemné obchody ovlivní brexit

June 27, 2016

Head of Trade team, Filip Franek, comments on Brexit